item: £0.00

How is Milk Club different to other milkmen services? 

We’re greener, cleaner and local! 

All our milk is in 750ml reusable bottles, rather than pints and our milk is bottled on farm rather than using huge industrial dairies with lots of food miles. Our milk comes from happy, healthy cows that are farmed in harmony with nature and certified organic.  

Our wider range has been picked to focus on local products or products with an environmental point of difference. 

We have the widest range of return and reuse of any milkman in the country- including yoghurt, cream, juice, tea, coffee, soft drinks, honey and toiletries.  

All our deliveries are made in quiet electric vehicles. 

We employ our milkmen on good wages and do not use gig economy drivers or 3rd parties to do our deliveries.  

We don't tie you into a subscription, you can pause, cancel and amend without having to ring a call centre. 

We’re independently owned.  


Service areas and sign up

Where do you deliver to? 

We are currently delivering to Farnham, Bordon, Alton and most of the villages in between.  

From the 21st February we will be delivering to Church Crookham, Fleet, Hook, Odiham, Basingstoke, Farnborough, Ash Vale, Grayshott, Beacon Hill and Haslemere. 

You can see our current service area in the map on our sign up page. 

We plan to expand our service footprint outwards from this area, so if you are not currently covered, please sign up which will allow you to drop your address on our map and help us plan our next routes to cover you. We will then also have your email details to update you when we can service your address.  

What days do you deliver? 

We deliver twice a week to each address in the following combinations: 




Do you deliver to businesses? 

Yes we do. Please sign up as a normal customer on the website or app. If you will be buying milk in quantities of greater than 25litres/week please email and we can provide you a bespoke plan.  

Can I become a customer without using the website? 

All orders are made through the website or app, however, you can get somebody else to set up an account for you using your home as the delivery address. 

Can I get delivery to another address other than my own? 

Yes, you can arrange delivery to another address such as a business or relative.  

Is it easy to cancel? Are there any contracts or tie-ins? 

We have a no hassle policy with complete flexibility and ease to cancel or pause. To cancel future orders or subscriptions just log in to your account and amend your order to reflect your requirements.  

We don’t require you to ring a call centre to cancel your order like some competitors!  

Orders can be cancelled, paused or amended up until the order cut off point which is 8pm the night before delivery for most products and 8pm two days before delivery for bakery, fruit & veg and flowers as these are made to order.  


Our service: 

Is there a delivery fee? 

Orders are free for any delivery over £2.50. Under this value there is a 50p delivery fee.  

What are the cut off times for ordering? 

Order cut off time for most products is 8pm the day before delivery. For bakery, flowers and fruit & veg the cut off time is 8pm two nights in advance of the delivery as these products are made to order (this ensures we are delivering the freshest possible product for you).  

What are subscriptions and one-time orders? 

Subscriptions are products that you want to be redelivered every week – you just chose the quantity and the day of the week. This is what most people use for their milk orders as its most convenient. 

One time orders are for products you want delivered on a single specified date. You can place multiple one time orders for different dates in the future e.g. if you want a pack of butter every other week.  

How long do subscriptions last for? 

They run indefinitely, until you amend your order or there is a payment issue.  

Do I have to order milk or can I order just other products? 

You don’t need to order milk! You can use us for a wide range of plastic free and return & reuse groceries. 

When do I pay for my deliveries? 

You are billed for your products on the day of delivery, once we have confirmed we have made delivery of the relevant basket of goods. Therefore, if we are short of a product, you will not be billed for it and then reimbursed (like most supermarkets do).  

You input your payment card details when placing your first order. These details are then saved on a separate secure gateway managed by a 3rd party (they’re called Opayo) and every subsequent order we then notify them who then charge your card securely.  

How do you accept payment? 

We take payment on a secure gateway and all major debit and credit cards are accepted.  

Where do you leave deliveries? Can I specify an exact delivery location? 

We will typically leave them by your front doorstep unless you specify a particular spot.  

When signing up make sure you drag and drop the pin exactly where your house is, as sometimes postcodes can default to a neighbour’s address.  

What do I do if I'm going on holiday?

Login to your account and amend your subscriptions to remove deliveries on the dates you do not want a delivery. 


Our Milk: 

Where does your milk come from? 

Our milk comes from Wood Farm near Swindon. They run an organic farm with Guernsey breed cows and also source other organic milk from nearby farms on the North Wessex Downs which stretches from Basingstoke to Swindon.  

They pasteurise and bottle directly on the farm, meaning that the food supply chain is short and milk is not being shipped around from farms to mega-dairies where it is processed, this keeps food miles as short as possible. Washing of the bottles is also done on site.  

Why don’t you use milk from our local farm? 

Most dairy farms do not have the facilities to fill into glass or to wash the return bottles. There are some farms who provide milk vending machines but they cannot fill into glass or handle the washing themselves.  

Why do you only sell organic milk? 

Organic farming is a certifiable way of ensuring that milk is produced to the highest welfare and environmental standards. Our mantra is People & Planet First and by sourcing organic milk we can be confident that people are paid appropriately to produce milk to high environmental and animal welfare standards.  

Buying organic means... 

Better animal welfare:  

  • Happy cows are healthier and produce better quality milk! 

  • Cows are kept outside to graze in pasture for at least 200 days a year. This means they can exhibit their natural behaviour by foraging, interacting with the wider herd and exercising (rather than being cooped up in barns with no exercise and fed bought in feed).  

  • Cows are brought into spacious and airy barns or yards when the weather is poor and bedded in deep straw for comfort.  

  • Calves are reared either for dairy or meat production and farms have a livestock management plan for all newborns ensuring that euthanasia is not used. 

  • Calves are fed milk for at least 12 weeks until they are weaned, rather than powdered substitutes. 

  • Medication such as antibiotics are still administered, but only when needed rather than on a routine basis. 

  • Farming in a less intensive way puts less stress on the animals bodies, meaning they have better health, produce healthier and higher quality milk and live a longer life.  

Better for the environment: 

  • Grazing animals in a non-intensive way can help restore grasslands and soil by sequestering large amounts of carbon back into the soil. Manure from the cows naturally returns nitrogen back into the soil and preventing the need for using energy intensive artificial fertilisers.  

  • Higher biodiversity on farms through not using pesticides and herbicides. 

  • Cows are fed on a high grass diet which is typically foraged from pastures in the warmer months, whilst in winter they are fed silage from the harvested grass on the farm. This minimises the need to use bought in food from other farms including soya from the other side of the world.  

  • GM feed is not allowed. 

Better for the farmer: 

  • Our farmers are paid a higher price for producing the best quality milk. We pay about 50% more than the average non organic farmer receives in the UK.  

Better for our health 

  • Organic milk has a higher proportion of Omega 3 fatty acids which are beneficial for health. 

What is unhomogenised milk? 

  • Supermarket milk is homogenised, which means its squirted at very high pressure through a fine mesh. This breaks up all the fat particles into smaller globules which then distributes through the milk evenly.  

  • Our milk is unhomogenised so the cream naturally comes to the top. Give it a shake to naturally disperse. 

  • We don’t homogenise as it tastes better and its also better for your health. The small fat particles in homogenised milk is absorbed super quickly in your gut and into your blood and can cause inflamation.  

  • Follow this link for more info 

Do you/can you sell raw milk? 

  • We are not allowed to sell raw milk. This can only be sold directly from the farm site.  


Why don’t you reuse the bottle metal lids? 

  • We seal our milk with an air tight lid which helps preserve quality. Metal lids are easily bashed which dents them and means there is no longer an air tight seal.  

  • The metal is infinitely recycled back into its original use and all areas recycle it, so it doesn’t contribute to waste unlike plastic.  

Is your range 100% plastic free? 

Our range is plastic free with the following exceptions: 

  • Our Bramley toiletries range is packed in return and reuse plastic packaging. 

  • Our Kombucha is in return and reuse glass jars and have a plastic lid. The lid is recyclable.  

What does compostable packaging mean and how best do I do it? 

We only use home compostable packaging, this means it can break down under normal conditions in the home compost bin and doesn’t need to be put through an industrial process to mash it and heat it up.  

Our packaging needs to be mixed into other organic matter e.g. food waste.  

Customer Services: 

What happens if I am not happy with a product? 

Our full refund policy is in our Terms & Conditions, but if you’re unhappy with the quality please email us at so we can investigate and try and remedy so it doesn’t happen again. We will also refund the product.  

What shall I do if I am missing a delivery? 

Sorry if this has happened, we may have had an admin error or delivered to the wrong location. Please email us at and we’ll investigate and refund.  

How do I change my registered payment card? (i.e. its been blocked or has expired) 

You can register a new card by logging into your account, clicking "Menu" and then selecting "Sage Pay Card Details"